Worship | Walk | Work | Witness

Everyone who authentically follows Christ goes through a continual process—sanctification. Which simply means we’re becoming more and more like Jesus. Around Anchor Palos you’ll hear that described as worshiping, walking,  working and witnessing for Christ. When we’re intentional about honoring God in these ways, we can’t help but become “mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28)—growing deeper in our relationship with Him and our relationships with others.

We aim to make disciples who are growing in 4 major areas:

Worship - Attend church each week and participate with all your heart. Bring a Bible and take notes as an active listener.
Walk -
Grow in your personal spiritual disciples and get plugged in to Group Life.
- Sign up for a Ministry Team 
Witness -
Learn to share your faith with courage and confidence.